The Honest Company
Mother was founded in London in 1996 by a group of creative, free-thinking individuals sitting around a kitchen table eating lunch. It’s here that the group decided that they were hungry – not for more sandwiches, but to do things differently. They wanted to break free from the shackles of traditional agencies and be 100% independent. To be free to do the best work possible, and not have to answer to anyone else or have anything stand in the way of making a great idea happen. Today, Mother is still fiercely independent, but now there are over 500 like-minded people in our family, with offices across London, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai and the oddly Shoreditch-based continent of South America. All with kitchen tables in them. And all with people sitting around them that want to make provocative, innovative, effective and simply awesome great work that gets people around the world talking about it. Come on in. Everybody who is passionate about making great work is always welcome at our table.
You can reach us by emailing us at info@motherusa.com
Or better yet, come and visit the brick building at 5290 Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90016